Incontinence Underwear - Our Inspiration for Creating ONDR

Jessica Lubahn 2 min read

Incontinence Underwear - Our Inspiration for Creating ONDR

Why Incontinence Underwear?

ONDR leakproof underwear was born from a simple question. Why does urinary incontinence have to be embarrassing? Why isn't there an incontinence underwear that is both stylish and functional?

Urologist-created incontinence underwear

The Need for Incontinence Underwear

As a Urologist, I am a regular witness to the personal impact caused by leaking urine. There are thousands of stories. I had a patient that would put a towel down while using a treadmill. Someone "ruined" their friend's sofa. Others found themselves "nature-peeing" in not so natural settings. Many avoided working out, intimacy, and even social settings --- making them imprisoned at home. 

Unfortunately, it does not take severe symptoms to cause great bother. It was when someone told me that the first time he ever "felt depressed" was after prostate surgery that I felt that I could/would/should do something more. From a professional standpoint, his using less than 1 pad per day met published standards for "continent." There were women who did not use any pads that requested surgery. I had patients on expensive medications. Even for patients with mild symptoms, their quality of life was impacted.

Incontinence is feared for the smell... the unexpected.. and ultimately, the loss of control.

Incontinence Underwear ONDR

The Creation of ONDR: Incontinence Underwear

This seemed to me a problem with a solution. Create undergarments that could lock away the smell and moisture, but look and perform like high-end athletic gear. I wanted ONDR to allow people to live their lives without incontinence getting in the way. I wanted people to feel beautiful, body fluids and all.

As my husband likes to recount, this idea fleshed out over a few years, mostly while waving a wine glass animatedly. 

So for my friends, family, and patients- thank you for being a part of this adventure.

Check out how far we've come and shop our collection of incontinence underwear.